2021-2022 classes
are coming soon!
2021-2022 Classes (featuring our new TTK Math Program) and Summer Clubs are coming soon!
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The Thinking Series
First Semester
Ethics 1: Making Good Decisions from the Head and Heart
Career Fair for Kids: Live Speaker Series, Part 1
The Art of Public Speaking- Part 1
Second Semester
Ethics 2: Living Out My Core Values and Conscience
Social Media Mastery
Career Fair for Kids: Live Speaker Series, Part 2
Are You A Fallacy Detective?
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Literature Studies
“You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture.
Just get people to stop reading them."
– Ray Bradbury
In 2011, Keith Oatley published an article in “Scientific American Mind” called, “In the Minds of Others” in which he explains how fiction helps readers understand people. “The process of entering imagined worlds of fiction builds empathy and improves your ability to take another person’s point of view,” he writes. “It can even change your personality ... The emotional empathy that is critical to our day-to-day relationships also enables us to picture ourselves living as the characters do when we read fiction.”
Through the books in our literature program, we aim to turn out thinkers who wield power through language. We want our students to love books, to learn how to navigate through a variety of situations, and to establish what is moral and good; we want our students to learn through their readings how to be the best person they can be in any.
First Semester
Second Semester
Wise Choices
Compassion and Determination
Language Arts Studies
“Words cast spells. That's why it's called spelling.
Words are energy. Use them wisely.”
--Author unknown
This rigorous writing series focuses on developing the skills to write in various styles to accomplish an array of purposes. We will follow the steps to writing a successful essay, including prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. We will also take time to complete our penmanship and spelling studies; expanding our vocabulary to include Greek and Latin roots, suffixes, and prefixes in preparation for standardized tests and more advanced literature study; and enhance our grammar skills.
First Semester
Developing the Paragraph:
Compare/ Contrast Essay
Grammar and Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots
Persuasive Writing:
Literature Responses, Character Analysis
Grammar and Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots
Second Semester
Descriptive Writing:
Expository Essays (analytical writing and research reports)
Grammar and Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots
Creative Writing-Short stories:
Research Paper
Grammar and Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots
American History
“American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful, and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it.”
-- James Baldwin
Join us on our exciting journey through American history, from the Ice Age hikers to the development of the document that would inspire countries around the world, our American Constitution. We will discuss how the early Americans included far more than the native Americans; we will discuss how Europeans, Africans, and Asians came together to form a new nation on the American continent-- a nation dedicated to freedom and self-government.
First Semester
America’s Prehistory through Puritans (Prehistory through 1630)
From Colonies to Country
Second Semester
Our New Nation
Liberty and War
“I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the
conditions in which they can learn.”
-- Albert Einstein
First Semester​
Rockin' Away: Basics in Geology
Cells: The Most Basic Unit of Life
Second Semester
The Name's Bond, Ionic Bond: Basic Chemistry
The Black Plague to COVID-19: Diseases Then and Now
Humanities and Global Studies
First Semester
International Film Studies
Evolution of a Product: Third World Studies
A Survey of Great Works: Art and Music
Second Semester
Global Studies: What in the World?
Making Friends and Influencing People
Fables Across the World