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Our Animal Team

Meet our Animal Team! Our Animal Team includes the pets of our teachers and students. For each member of this team, there is a picture of the animal and what they do at The Thinking Kid (completely made up, of course). We're happy to have these pets as a part of the team!
Join the Team
If you would like to add your furry friend to the page,
submit their picture and bio here!

Bucky Barnes: Professional Snuggler
Bucky Barnes is a Bordoodle. He is super sweet and loves to snuggle! Bucky loves to run and play with his family, especially if they are playing fetch!
Owned by Mrs. Kait Kaiser from Utah
Owned by Mrs. Kait Kaiser from Utah

Caesar: CPO (Chief Plant Obliterator)
This little guy does all the hard work in the office, lovingly giving credit to his owners. I think he’s vegetarian. He thinks our garden is a salad. If he’s not vegetarian, he’s just eating all of the plants for fun. :(
Owned by Peter B from Maryland
Owned by Peter B from Maryland

Clover: Intern
Clover is the cute intern for Most Loyal Friend, a position currently held by Lucky. I'm rooting for her!
Owned by Ms. Anna from Virginia
Owned by Ms. Anna from Virginia

Cola: Head of Sustainability Department
Cola disposes of all apple cores, lettuce, carrots, grapes, and similar produce. He strongly believes in The Thinking Kid’s aim to promote sustainable living for a clean, bright future for kids of the upcoming generation.
Interests: nuclear power.
Owned by Rebekah B from Maryland
Interests: nuclear power.
Owned by Rebekah B from Maryland

Daisy: Canine Team Leader
Daisy accompanies our mail manager everywhere she goes. Very enthusiastic and always on the ball (literally). She goes by Crazy Daisy outside of work.
Owned by Rebekah B from Maryland
Owned by Rebekah B from Maryland

Hobbes: The Definition of Puppy Cuteness
Hobbes is the definition of puppy cuteness in my opinion. He is very distractive when it comes to needing to work on something. When I'm supposed to be working on an assignment, I usually end up doing it twenty minutes later. He will curl up in your lap with a toy and will not leave until you stand up and he tumbles out of his seat.
Owned by Addie B from Virginia
Owned by Addie B from Virginia

Lucky: Most Loyal Friend
Lucky doesn’t need an official position, because he’s just a great guy. Not the smartest bulb on the tree, but definitely the nicest guy around.
Owned by Mr. Andrew from Utah
Owned by Mr. Andrew from Utah

Penny: Web Design
Our irregular web design part-timer. Remember that one time you ended up on The Thinking Kid’s Error 404 page? That was Penny’s fault. She’s new.
Pet-sat by Esther B from Maryland
Pet-sat by Esther B from Maryland

Rosie: CFO (Chief Food Obliterator)
If there is food, Rosie will eat it. Don’t try to eat food if Rosie is around, because it will be obliterated. She loves food, chasing cats, and barking at anyone who comes through the door.
Owned by Ms. Georgia from Maryland
Owned by Ms. Georgia from Maryland

Stuart: Head of Disciplinary Department for Baaad Students
If you thought the old saying "the grass is greener on the other side" was true for you, it’s definitely true for Stuart. No matter where I set him up on the lawn, he always wants the grass that’s just out of reach, the trees that are a little too tall, and the grass the other goat has. Stuart expresses his dissatisfaction through headbutting.
Owned by Esther B from Maryland
Owned by Esther B from Maryland

The Fish Company: Virtual Field Trip Testers
These guys love testing virtual field trips to decide whether or not to offer them at The Thinking Kid. Their favorites are the ones from the Texas State Aquarium.
Owned by B Family from Maryland
Owned by B Family from Maryland

Tiger: Com-meow-nications Specialist
Tiger promotes open, continuous feedback on whether she has received enough pats and attention today (she has not). She's passionately committed to The Thinking Kid’s mission of providing affordable, world-class pats to anycat, anywhere. Her hobbies include napping in the sunshine, playing with her kittens, and experimenting with kitchen counter parkour.
Owned by Abigail B from Maryland
Owned by Abigail B from Maryland

Quackerton: Registration
Quackerton loves seeing names from different places and making a mini-map of where all the registrations are coming from. She creates rosters to send to teachers and helps prepare welcome emails. She supports The Thinking Kid’s mission to promote sustainability and vocalizes her support with loud quacks.
Owned by Ms. Georgia from Maryland
Owned by Ms. Georgia from Maryland

Buddy: Language Interpreter
Buddy is the language interpreter. He understands Cat, Dog, French, English, Turkish, Pigeon, Horse, Turkey, Japanese, did we already say cat? He never stops working unless we tell him to.
Owned by Colin A from Maryland
Owned by Colin A from Maryland

Stoic: The Crazy One
Stoic is an Australian Shepherd. His bark is high pitched, and both his eyes are half blue and half brown! He is so crazy, every time you wake up in the morning he would run then jump on you it's the same when you come home. He likes to play a lot. If we bring him outside for two hours then bring him inside, he would be ready to go back outside in under five minutes!
Owned by Kallista T from Colorado
Owned by Kallista T from Colorado

Skye: The Barker
Skye is an English Shepherd. She likes to bark a lot, and she is also very very lazy. She is always barking while we eat, while we do school, while we try to watch movies or shows, and a lot more! She is also very lazy, she lies around all day in the office while I'm doing school, she also likes to push us with her nose when she wants attention (which is all the time), and she sometimes tries to lay on top of us just like our other dog does (Stoic).
Owned by Kallista T from Colorado
Owned by Kallista T from Colorado

Orange: The Biter
Orange really likes to bite us, if we put our hand in the tanke he will try to bite us, if we try to pick him up he tries to bite us! It's like he thinks we are his food. It's really scary when we feed him: as soon as he sees the mouse, he jumps up and grabs it really fast. It looks like he's going to jump out of the tank!
Owned by Kallista T from Colorado
Owned by Kallista T from Colorado

McDonald's Team
Professional grass eaters.
Owned by Fiona R from Maryland
Owned by Fiona R from Maryland

Sven Alexander
He likes laying in the sun, playing with snakes, and meowing at you till you change out his water.
Owned by Fiona R from Maryland
Owned by Fiona R from Maryland

My cute, cuddly, and sleepy puppy Kayaha is great in the break room and the reason that there are no more donuts in the breakroom.
Owned by Fiona R from Maryland
Owned by Fiona R from Maryland

Pair is a cute dwarf hamster who enjoys his time underground sleeping. So if you ever see a hole in the wall, don't cover it up: leave a bowl of almonds right next to it.
Owned by Fiona R from Maryland
Owned by Fiona R from Maryland
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