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Shakespeare Comedy: Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing

Shakespeare Comedy: Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing


Why do we have to read Shakespeare? This question is often asked with great frustration and fear. Shakespeare was such an incredible author that his plays and storylines are recreated and mimicked today! Books, movies, plays, and much more continue to reuse his stories!

In the midst of the convoluted and confusing plots, we can find powerful themes. As with anything else, Shakespeare was a master of comedy. Through his careful use of words and clever sparring matches between his characters, Shakespeare created complex plays that are timeless. By reading Shakespeare’s works, any writer can grow in their literary wit and creativity. All it takes is the simple act of beginning at the first page.

Materials Needed:

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Much Ado About Nothing (Recommended Edition: No Fear Shakespeare Edition)

  • Instructor: Ms. Kait Kaiser

  • Dates: Thursdays, August 5, 12, 19, 26

  • Time: 9-9:45 PM ET

  • Price: $25

  • Ages: 13 and above