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My Hippopotamus Hones Multiplication Skills

My Hippopotamus Hones Multiplication Skills


Hippos (as they are more commonly known) are considered the second-largest land animal on Earth, second only to the elephant. They can weigh up to 7,000 lbs (3200 kg), which is as much as three small cars! To make sure they’re eating enough to keep up this massive reputation, they mastered multiplication.


  • Students use various tools and groupings to develop an understanding of multiplication and division
  • Students double known basic facts to find the product of more challenging basic facts
  • Students add or remove a group to or from a known basic fact to determine the product of another basic fact
  • Students use known basic facts and double one factor and halve the other to determine the product of a more challenging problem
  • Recommended for: Ages 6+ / Grades 2-3
  • Instructor: Carolina Velez
  • Day and Time: Mondays, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM ET
  • Class Duration: 4 classes
  • Dates: November 6, 2023 - December 4, 2023
    • No class November 20
  • Required Materials: DreamBox*


*Here at The Thinking Kid, we utilize the DreamBox Math App to enable our students to practice math skills outside of the classroom. DreamBox engages students through math games to test their proficiency in math concepts discussed in class. DreamBox access is essential to student success in our math program. This is a one-time $45 purchase for the entire school year. If you have previously purchased DreamBox, please contact us at

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