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History: Term 1 Super Pack

History: Term 1 Super Pack



Purchase a discounted term (16 weeks) of classes! This includes:


Great Unknowns to Greece and Rome: Prehistory Through Ancient Rome (8 weeks)


Join this riveting class of world history, as we survey the happenings between the very beginnings of history and the rise and fall of the enormous Roman Empire. What can we learn about prehistoric times from artifacts and art? What struggles does the archaeologist encounter as he attempts to decipher his findings? How did these early people survive? And how was it that the Egyptain empire thrived for so long? We will continue on to discuss the Greek civilization and its many and lasting contributions to our modern times. How did the Greeks influence our governments, as well as our architecture, music, and art? The Roman Empire was even further-reaching. We can still see remnants of their roads, buildings, and art today throughout West and Central Europe. These early empires were very advanced, but then something happened- and it all disappeared for a thousand years. It’s an exciting and thought-provoking story. Don’t miss it!


Foundations of Civilization (Prehistory - 300 B.C.)

Ancient Middle East and Egypt (3200 B.C. - 500 B.C.)

Ancient Greece (1750 B.C. - 133 B.C.)

Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity (509 B.C. - A.D. 476)

Jesters... and Just West of Them: The Americas and the Middle Ages (8 weeks)

Our studies of world history continue on their exciting path. We back up a few centuries to survey the history of the Americas: the discovery by Leif Ericson, the building of remarkable cliff villages, the Chimus expansion over much of South America, and the construction of pyramids. After the fall of Rome, Europe falls into the Dark Ages. But why? How could the fall of a government cause the destruction of an entire civilization? We will explore the feudal ages. Though idealized through stories of knights and ladies, jokers and warriors, this was a difficult time for most people. Why did most cultural advances come to a standstill and what stimulated the regrowth of civilization after a thousand years? We will find that the growth is stimulated by two events: the printing of money and the beginning of trading routes, which open up paths to new and exotic places. 


Civilizations of the Americas (Prehistory – A.D.1570)

The Rise of Europe

The High and Late Middle Ages (1050 – 1450)


  • Day and Time: Mondays, 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET
  • Bundle Duration: 16 Weeks
  • Dates: September 16, 2024 - January 27, 2025
    • No class on the following dates:
      • November 25 (Thanksgiving Break)
      • December 16, 23, 30 (Christmas Break) 
  • Recommended for: Ages 13+ / Grades 8-9
  • Teacher: TTK Faculty 


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See more classes for ages 13+ / grades 8-9:

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