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History: Term 1 Super Pack

History: Term 1 Super Pack



Purchase a discounted term (16 weeks) of classes! This includes:


From the Sistine Chapel to the Catacombs: Classic Europe (4 weeks)

Europe comes to life as students meet the personalities of France, Italy, Spain, and German. Art—visual, structural, and auditory—is discussed in heated debate by Eiffel, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Beethoven, and Robert Schumann. Politics are painted in vivid colors as Napoleon Bonaparte, Spartacus, Augustus Caesar, Martin Luther, and King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella make their marks on European history. And who’s back there? Albert Einstein, a genius pulled from school. Florence Nightingale with a candle, watching over her patients. Galileo Galilei, writing his astronomical theory to the light of a candle while under house arrest for heresy. Isn’t it incredible? Watch history come to life as students walk alongside personalities of the past.


Hakuna Matata: Greetings in Africa (4 weeks)

Step into the incredible history of Africa with Cleopatra, Mansa Musa I, and Fatima Al Fihria. Uncover the majesty of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Witness how the riches of Africa blew away the Europeans, and how the exploration of Africa influenced Europe. Alongside Thomas Isidore Noel Sankara and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, investigate the struggles of African countries as they strive for peace, equality, and health. Consider your own education as you meet Fatima Al Fihria, the founder of Al-Qarawiyin, the world’s first university. Discover how Africa is changing, one person and movement at a time, and how it continues to shift and grow.


Goings-On West of the Pacific (4 weeks)

Embark on a journey across the powers of the Eastern Hemisphere. Join Marco Polo as he enters China and gazes at the Forbidden city; follow Peter the Great in his conquest of Russia; and imagine ruling the Mongol Empire alongside Genghis Khan, its founder. Listen closely: You hear the conversations of Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev on music; Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible, grandfather and grandson, on their different rules of Russia; and Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong on their visions for their countries. Dive into the minds of Asia. What will you discover?


Exploring the Eastern Hemisphere: Conquerors and Explorers (4 weeks)

Rediscover the founders of the Eastern Hemisphere and the conquerors and explorers that made founding possible. Gather the great thinkers, contrast the voices of composers, and compare the leaders of history. Investigate their methods, beliefs, and influence. Discover how an event can shift the future; discover how a person can build a dynasty. Alongside revolutionaries, watch history unfold. Watch religion develop, science flourish, wars begin and end, and life march on. Explore the people that made change possible in the Eastern Hemisphere.


  • Day and Time: Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET
  • Bundle Duration: 16 Weeks
  • Dates: September 18, 2024 - January 29, 2025
    • No class on the following dates:
      • November 27 (Thanksgiving Break) 
      • December 18, 25, January 1 (Christmas Break)
  • Recommended for: Ages 9+ / Grades 4-5
  • Teacher: TTK Faculty


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