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Read All About It!

Read All About It!


Imagine a place with no books. That is what the Middle Ages was like—almost no books at all, unless they were hand copied. Then Mr. Gutenberg invents a printing press and books are available. Think of all you could learn! That is what happened during the Renaissance. People were fighting less, and so they had more time to learn, dream, and think. Martin Luther started asking questions about God; Copernicus became quite sure that the Earth was not the center of the universe; explorers dreamed about sailing around the world (which they previously thought was flat); and Shakespeare’s plays were Saturday night fun for all. What a remarkable change books made to the world! Join this class and read (and discuss, share, and learn) all about it!


  •  Minimum recommended age: 6
  • Instructor: Ms. Anna Bonney
  • Fridays, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM ET
  • 4 classes
  • April 1, 8, 22, 29 (no class April 15)


Anna Bonney, a hardworking teacher with a creative teaching style, is currently studying Psychology and Education at Southern Virginia University. She possesses a deep passion for teaching language, both oral and written, and is skilled at creating a supportive yet challenging environment for students to thrive in. By adopting a creative, interdisciplinary approach, she encourages students to discover a larger world of learning. She's always looking for something new for her students and loves to explore and experiment with teaching and writing. She loves working with kids and looks forward to watching each of her students challenge themselves in her classes. In her spare time, she bikes short-distance, sings, and writes poems for children's books. She loves to travel and has traveled to Europe and Africa multiple times, Italy, Turkey, and Tanzania being her favorite spots. Her experiences abroad have driven her to work towards a career in international education. She strongly believes that hard work, creativity, and an optimistic attitude pulse beneath a successful learning experience.

Teaching style: appointments with students, journaling, peer partner learning, research projects, spelling bees


Student & Parent Reviews for Ms. Anna:

  • Ms. Anna is a wonderful teacher! She keeps the kids encouraged with her kindness while encouraging them to go above and beyond what they think they can do. My son loved her classes, games, and teaching style. We're looking forward to next year! - Carrie, parent
  • My son loved working with Ms. Anna. His writing has improved past my expectations, and he's excited to keep writing. Ms. Anna keeps classes productive and engaging with games, writing activities, and inter-disciplinary discussions. She draws in authors, famous literature, and historic context to explain English concepts and cultivate the students' interest in English. Her feedback was easily implemented, and she was easy to reach whenever my son had questions. Thank you for this fabulous resource! We'll be back next year. - Jennifer, parent

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